Subscription Policy

When you purchase a subscription, whether there is a trial period or not, you will automatically receive uninterrupted Service of selected product and reoccurring payments will be charged based on the frequency that you select (monthly or yearly). 
Your payment details will be stored securely and you'll be charged at each frequency, unless you choose to pay in advance.
If you don’t want to renew a subscription you can cancel it at anytime.  By purchasing a Subscription, you agree to reoccurring payments unless you cancel the Service. You understand that you and only you are responsible for cancelling Service through the customer portal and The GOAT Covers LLC will NOT be liable for ANY "unexpected" or "unanticipated" reoccurring payments.
To cancel your subscription: follow the link in the email with the subject line “your subscription was approved” or your order confirmation email.  You can manage your subscription with either link.
We retain the right to cancel any subscription due to hateful or abusive comments. Please be respectful to every member of the community. Hateful or abusive comments will not be tolerated. 
If you do not agree with the subscription policy, do NOT purchase a subscription. 
By purchasing a Subscription, you also agree that you have read and understood the Subscription, Refund Policy and Terms & Conditions.